Author Archives: copps
The Copp lab welcomes a new PhD student, Eshana Bethur!
The Copp lab is now on Twitter! Follow us @CoppLab
Check out the video made by the Materials Research Society about our lab’s research! Thanks to WebsEdge for the great experience.
Stacy Copp is awarded an Air Force Young Investigator Program grant! We are grateful for the support of AFOSR and excited about the science this will enable.
We are looking forward to the exciting science and collaborations enabled by the UCI MRSEC!
Our collaborative research with Petko Bogdanov is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation! Looking forward to exciting science and the potential to make an impact on biomedical research.
Check out our new paper with Tom Vosch, on unusually high quantum yield NIR-emissive silver clusters!